Workshop Overview
Essential Question: How do you inspire your team to bring their best selves to work, accelerating performance toward school strategy?
By the end of this workshop, you will gain the tools and confidence in human-centered performance leadership, delivering high performance in sync with your school's goals.
Essential Question: How do you inspire your team to bring their best selves to work, accelerating performance toward school strategy?
By the end of this workshop, you will gain the tools and confidence in human-centered performance leadership, delivering high performance in sync with your school's goals.
关键问题: 如何激励团队把自己的最佳状态带到工作中,让工作成果促进学校战略的实现?
This engaging, hands-on workshop is designed to empower you with practical skills to elevate your leadership impact.
- Set crystal-clear expectations for your team
- Inspire your team by connecting their personal motivations with the school's mission
- Measure what truly drives success
- Master the art of accountability—both when things go right and when they need course correction
- Address your own leadership challenges effectively and accelerate adaptive change
The Performance Leadership Program includes:
- Science backed frameworks
- Interactive modules that create real impact
- Adaptive leadership coaching to address individual obstacles and change mindsets
- And much more...
Our speakers will guide you through lively discussions, insightful exercises, and real-life application. Be ready to bring your experiences to the table, because this workshop is all about you, your team, and making your school's strategy come alive.
This workshop is your opportunity to turn your leadership challenges into triumphs. Let's take your team's performance—and your school's success—to the next level!
- 制定明确的期望
- 协助您的团队将他们的个人目标与学校战略关联起来
- 衡量真正推动成功的因素
- 在正面和负面情况下有效地使用问责制
- 有效应对自己的领导力挑战,加速适应性改变
- 有科学支持的框架
- 有影响力的互动模块
- 适应性领导力培训,以解决个人障碍并改变思维方式
- 还有更多…
Participant Profile (参加者描述)
- Leaders in senior positions
- Responsibility for managing and leading other leaders
- Familiar with your school's strategic plan and direction
- Awareness of your teams' development needs and the school's strategic context
Participants should come ready to engage with their own team dynamics and challenges, turning these into opportunities for growth during collaborative exercises.
- 高层领导
- 负责管理和领导其他领导者
- 熟悉学校的战略计划和发展方向
- 了解团队的发展需求和学校的战略背景
Pre-Workshop Survey (工作坊前期调查)
We're here to meet your needs! Prior to the workshop, we'll ask about your expectations and experience to tailor content and examples that resonate with your real-world challenges.
Program Agenda (活动流程)
This program will be divided into 5 modules, 3 on the first day, 2 on the second day:
Module 1 (模块一) - Expectations (期望)
When expectations aren't clear, your team might do nothing, something, or everything — but not what's needed. Clear expectations empower effective action.
Get ready to set your team up for success!
Essential Question: How well does my team understand what I expect? How do I know? What can I do about it?
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to set crystal-clear expectations
- Practice expectation-setting conversations with confidence
- Identify key growth areas and potential mindset barriers
关键问题: 我的团队在多大程度上理解了我的期望? 我怎么知道? 我可以做些什么?
- 学习如何设定清晰的期望
- 自信地练习设定期望的对话
- 参加者将识别关键成长领域和潜在思维障碍
Module 2 (模块二) - Motivations (动力)
Discover the power of aligning personal motivations with your school's goals! By understanding what drives your team members, you can unlock their full potential.
Essential Questions: How can I strike the right balance of care and challenge for each team member?
Learning Objectives:
- Explore what really motivates your team
- Practice linking team member motivations with the school's mission
- Identify key growth areas and potential mindset barriers to engaging with other's motivations
关键问题: 我能如何为团队的每一位成员找到最佳的关注和挑战平衡点?
- 探讨团队的真实驱动力源于什么
- 练习将团队成员动力与学校战略相结合
- 识别关键成长领域和潜在的心态障碍,以有效激发他人内驱力
Module 3 (模块三) - Measurements (衡量)
What gets measured gets done! Focus on what matters most by prioritizing and aligning performance metrics with school strategy.
Essential Question: How do I measure what matters most to my school's strategy?
Learning Objectives:
- Learn to track measures that make a real impact
- Practice identifying measurable actions that drive school goals
- Identify key growth areas and potential mindset barriers to effective measurement
关键问题: 您如何识别和衡量那些对你们学校战略成功有最大影响的事物?
- 学会追踪那些有实际影响的措施
- 练习识别促进学校达成目标的那些可衡量的行动
- 识别与有效衡量相关的关键增长领域和潜在思维障碍
Module 4 (模块四) - Accountability (问责制)
Hold your team to high standards with accountability that motivates performance. Whether celebrating success or addressing challenges, accountability keeps everyone on the same page.
Essential Question: How does accountability—both positive and corrective—drive performance?
Learning Objectives:
- Explore how to use accountability as a performance accelerator in all situations
- Practice real-life accountability conversations with confidence
- Identify key growth areas and potential mindset barriers to holding others accountable
关键问题: 问责制(积极的和调整的)如何驱动绩效?
- 探索如何在所有情况下使用问责制作为绩效加速器
- 自信地练习现实生活中的问责对话
- 识别与有效问责相关的关键成长领域和潜在思维障碍
Module 5 (模块五) - Personal Adaptive Challenge (个人适应挑战)
It's time to focus on you! Identify a personal development goal and address barriers to change, opening the door for rapid improvement toward your goal. Through a Developmental Sprint®, you'll not only make progress on your goal but will also pave the way to becoming an even more adaptive leader.
Essential Question: What do I most need to change in my leadership to support my team in bringing their best to our school's strategy?
Learning Objectives:
- Identify a personal leadership goal
- Use a proven developmental process to drive change
- Design practical experiments to continue growth after the workshop
关键问题: 为了支持员工把最好的状态带入学校战略实施中,我最需要改变自己领导力的哪些方面?
- 确立一个个人发展目标
- 使用经验证的发展过程来推动改变
- 在研讨会结束后设计实验,以延续学习过程和成长
Recommended Hotel
Novotel Nanjing East Suning
Address: Beiyuan Bahao, Laiguangying West
地址:徐庄软件园, 南京, 江苏, 210042 南京
Contact Person (联络人): Mr. Zhao
Phone Number (电话号码): 155 0555 9536
Website (网站):